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The Queenstown’s Remarkables

Written by: Christina



Time to read 1 min

Travel for work is such a gift, this trip brought so many laughs and memories.

Most notably were our sunrise walks as a team to get our morning coffee, taking in the beautiful still lake bordering Queenstown, elegantly at the forefront of cascading mountains. This  will forever stay with me as a special moment I am grateful for.” Sarah Johnson, fashion stylist - creative director.

This shoot is an exploration of the utopia that is being up on the mountain top emerged in natures elements

Our white best seller knits, captured at New Zealand’s most breathtaking scenery.

Set amongst the weathered and raw elements of NZ’s most beautiful landscape, this shoot is an exploration of the utopia that is being up on the mountain top emerged in nature's elements.


With both Mark Sullivan- Bradley and Milly Mackay capturing the expansive scenery; the breeze of the icy air and the feeling of being in a place that felt other worldly, the styling was curated to pay homage to New Zealand’s large agriculture industry.


Sarah has incorporated Mumshandmade chunky knit garments that are layered and deconstructed in ways that excite the eye and provide the unexpected.


The makeup for this look was created by one of Australia’s top makeup artist Tanielle Jai and is lush layer of frosty silver tones. Giving the viewer a feel of the icy air up on the mountain top.

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